Train Accident Injury Attorneys in Elk Grove and Sacramento County
Posted on 23rd August, 2019

If you're waking up this morning to the horrific news about the train accident overnight, you're not alone. According to NBC News, a passenger train and a railroad maintenance train crashed into each other just before 10:00 p.m. last night. Thankfully, only two people suffered moderate injuries, and an additional 25 victims walked away with cuts, bruises, and minor injuries. However, catastrophic injuries do occur. John O'Brien and Grant Zehnder are Train Accident Injury Attorneys in Sacramento.
If you or a loved one sustained injuries during this crash, call our law firm now. For over 25 years, we've helped accident injury victims. We fight tirelessly to obtain the financial settlements our clients deserve. In fact, our Sacramento Personal Injury Lawyers have won over 250 million dollars for accident injury clients. Our law firm office is located in Elk Grove, and we service all of Sacramento County. If you would like to schedule a free consultation, please click here.
Catastrophic Injury Lawyers and Large Injury Settlement Attorneys
Catastrophic Injury Lawyers and Large Injury Settlement Attorneys are nearly interchangeable terms. Thankfully, the train accident that happened last night here in town didn't end in tragedy. Unfortunately, most train accidents do cause fatalities. Train wrecks are also not the only type of accident that can cause a loss of life. Construction workers are constantly put into dangerous positions. Truck drivers cause fatal 18-wheeler crashes nearly every day. When these tragic events occur, you may need an injury attorney's assistance.
Filing a catastrophic injury or wrongful death lawsuit is complicated. We need to perform an extensive amount of due diligence upfront to build your case. When we're suing a major corporation, insurance company, or government agency, we need to have our "ducks in a row" so that we have the best chance of obtaining a positive outcome. Large injury settlement attorneys, like John O'Brien and Grant Zehnder, know how to prepare for these types of complex legal battles.
How do I file an injury claim from the train accident in Sacramento?
OZ LAW is an award-winning Personal Injury Law Firm in Sacramento. If you were injured in the recent train wreck and you need help filing an injury claim, call us at (916) 714-8200. We provide a free injury consultation. If you woke up this morning asking yourself, "How do I file an injury claim from the train accident in Sacramento?" call OZ LAW now.
Who is the best large injury settlement attorney in Sacramento County?
If you're taking the time to read this article, chances are you're looking for a lawyer. Here's the deal: there is really no such thing as the best attorney. We understand that after an injury, you may have financial stress. Medical bills are expensive; if you can't work because you're hurt, your household bills can stress you out. We've won over $250,000,000.00 for accident injury clients. That's right, over 250 MILLION DOLLARS and counting.
Reviews for Train Accident Injury Attorneys in Sacramento
Call us now if you were hurt in last night's train crash. We recommend reading online reviews when searching for a law firm to hire. John O'Brien has a perfect 10 out of 10 AVVO rating. Super Lawyers recognized Grant Zehnder as a Rising Star. In addition, our law firm has countless five-star reviews and video testimonials from real clients. Reviews for Train Accident Injury Attorneys in Sacramento may not get any better than ours. Check out some of our settlement victories by clicking here.
Filing a Lawsuit After Last Nights Train Accident in Sacramento, CA
If you need assistance filing a lawsuit after last night's train accident in Sacramento, CA, call us now. We offer a free case review and are here to fight for your financial rights. Catastrophic Injury Attorneys John O'Brien and Grant Zehnder know how to take on big companies after an injury. From suing large insurance firms to taking big corporations to court, we FIGHT to get our clients paid the money they deserve.