Elk Grove and Sacramento County Injury Lawyers Open During the Coronavirus Crisis
Posted on 4th May, 2020

As we all do our best to deal with limitations, restrictions, and anxieties surrounding the COVID-19 stay-at-home orders, we also need to face certain facts. People are still going out, and they are still driving the streets. Whether it be to simply purchase groceries or attend medical appointments, or for those who are pushing the state limits on acceptable activities, people are out. Making matters potentially worse is that people are distracted. Rushing to get their errands done and back to the house or simply dealing with heightened stress, accidents are still happening.
That is why our law firm is remaining open during the COVID-19 crisis. If you've been injured in an accident and you're looking to speak with Sacramento County injury lawyers open during the Coronavirus crisis, call us at (916) 714-8200. For over 30 years, our law firm has fought for the rights of injury victims. John O'Brien and Grant Zehnder are here for you during good times and tough times as well. If you need help with an injury claim, click here.
In today's article, we are going to discuss some potential hurdles you may face when filing an injury claim right now. As always, please remember our website and news articles only provide opinions, NOT legal advice. However, should you wish to speak to a Sacramento or Elk Grove injury lawyer, click here and request a FREE consultation.
Possible Hurdles Injury Victims May Face During the COVID-19 Crisis
The job of a personal injury lawyer is to represent the interest of a victim to an insurance company. Simply put, accident injury attorneys fight to get you paid after an accident. While many people believe that an insurance company will step up and pay a claim quickly, the truth is much different. During normal times, insurance companies still scrutinize and review the claims they receive. You must remember that when you file an injury claim, you are asking for money. Insurance companies are financial institutions. They like to invest the money you pay them, but they don't like paying it out.
Now, during times of financial uncertainty, insurance companies are going to really fight injury claims. Today, we are going to discuss some of the reasons why we believe, more than ever, you may want to consider retaining an injury attorney. Remember, our job is to fight to get you paid. More importantly, we don't get paid unless you get paid first. Let's discuss some potential issues you may face if you file an injury claim during the Coronavirus crisis.
Insurance Companies May Be Working Remotely and Slower at Processing Paperwork
As most of the United States is on strict ''stay at home'' orders, lots of companies have shifted to remote work. Now, insurance companies, during good times, are notorious for lagging. Just imagine how much more ''wiggle room'' they are going to have when employees are working remotely. If you want to get your claim submitted and paid out in a timely manner, it may be beneficial to retain an attorney. Prior to talking to an insurance company, give us a call. Remember, the information you give to an insurance adjuster may be used against you. Let us put pressure on the insurance firm to take your claim seriously and get you paid.
Courts Might Not Be Open For a While
One thing that may be able to help speed up an injury settlement is to put pressure on them. A great way to show that we're ready to fight is to go to court. Now, we always do our best to work toward a speedy settlement. Most of the time, we are successful, and the insurance company finally steps up and pays outside of court. However, now that insurance companies know courts might not be open for a while, they may use this to their advantage. However, let our Sacramento injury lawyers handle your claim and let us deal with the stress of getting a claim paid.
Insurance Companies May Over Review Claims
During times of financial crisis, financial fraud and crime tend to rise. People get desperate, and insurance companies know this well. See, even during normal times, insurance companies lose billions of dollars to fraudulent injury schemes. So now, during the COVID-19 financial crisis, their guards are going to be up more than ever. This means even legitimate claims may be over-scrutinized. Let our Sacramento injury lawyers fight and push your claim through to the best of our abilities.
Call a Personal Injury Attorney in Sacramento County
If you or a loved one have been hurt, call a personal injury attorney in Sacramento County. Our law firm is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Best of all, we have taken proper measures to keep our staff, their families, and most of all our clients safe. Both Mr. O'Brien and Mr. Zehnder are providing free virtual consultations. Remember, you can still get paid for an injury claim during the Coronavirus crisis. However, in our opinion, more than ever, you may need an injury attorney's assistance to get paid.