Multiple Accidents in Sacramento County Due to Rain
Posted on 10th March, 2020

Does the rain make driving more precarious? Of course, it does, which is why being more careful on the roadways is so important. Unfortunately, not everyone adheres to that adjustment when it rains, and the roads are wet and slick, which leads to more accidents in Sacramento. According to the California Highway Patrol, via the Sacramento Bee, thirty-three vehicles combined for nine different crashes in the rainy conditions on Highway 50. If you or a loved one has been in a serious vehicle accident in recent rain, be sure to secure the proper legal counsel so your personal injury claim can be handled in the most professional manner possible.
Sacramento County Personal Injury Lawyers
Although there are many personal injury attorneys in Sacramento, finding the right one for your particular case and the right one for your particular family is a decision that should be taken very seriously, as it truly could be the difference between a winning personal injury claim result and a devastating one. John O'Brien and Grant Zehnder, the partners at O'Brien & Zehnder Law Firm, are experienced and knowledgeable Sacramento County personal injury lawyers who will fight to protect your financial rights and hold the liable party or parties as monetarily accountable as the law will allow. The benefits of retaining an injury attorney after an accident are plentiful.
Benefits of Retaining an Injury Attorney After an Accident
Many people think that handling their own personal injury case after an accident is just a formality and that the financial settlement is simply dictated by the insurance company. Going at it alone is selling yourself and your injuries short, as the defendant's insurance company will not have your best interests in mind, whether it be something as basic as rental car coverage or negotiating in good faith. The benefits of retaining an injury attorney after an accident include having a legal ally who is solely focused on your rights, your compensation, and your process, including filing the claim properly and being as smooth and stress-free as possible. The bottom line is that your personal injury attorney will do all that is necessary throughout the claims process to put you in a winning position.
Getting Rental Car Coverage
I know this seems like a small issue to be addressing when discussing the serious nature of horrific accidents that result in potentially life-altering injuries. However, it's just one more source of stress that your personal injury attorney can relieve you of during this overwhelming time for you and your family. It may not be the number one benefit of retaining an injury attorney after an accident, but if your personal auto insurance policy doesn't contain a rental car coverage clause, you may ask who's going to pay for it then. Look at it this way; it's just one less source of stress that you may not have to fret over.
Filing an Accident Injury Claim
I know what you're thinking, filing an accident injury claim should be the easiest part of the whole, stressful process you're about to start if you were in a serious accident and sustained serious injuries. That being said, it still has its twists and turns that an experienced personal injury attorney will know how to deal with. Take away the pressure and stress of leading your own legal case by choosing a Sacramento personal injury lawyer who can put in the time it takes to file an accident injury claim that may be of a complex nature, depending on how severe your injuries may be, as well as knowing exactly how to file such a claim.
Negotiating a Settlement
As much as you may think or believe that handling your own personal injury accident claim after suffering serious injuries in an accident should be rather straightforward, think again. For example, have you ever negotiated with any insurance company for any reason, never mind a big insurance company that is representing someone else's or a company's best interests? Probably not. That means that they're negotiating with no focus on you or your financial rights. Bringing in a competent personal injury attorney who has successfully maneuvered within countless big-dollar negotiations can be the best decision you've ever made. They will not make the negotiating mistakes that you could be prone to since they've experienced all the negotiating tactics that exist.
Schedule a Consultation with Sacramento County Injury Attorneys
Do right by yourself. You or your loved one is already suffering greatly from serious physical injuries, as well as significant emotional trauma. Give yourself the time to recover and heal, both physically and mentally, by hiring the right personal injury attorney in Sacramento to take on all the stress and steps required to ensure the best possible chance to achieve a winning outcome for you and your family. Whether it be John O'Brien or Grant Zehnder, the attorneys at O'Brien & Zehnder will fight to the end for your financial rights and make every effort within the bounds of the law to bring you the settlement you and your family deserve.