7 Back To School Safety Tips for 2021
Posted on 30th July, 2021

You may have noticed the increase in traffic during your daily commute.
Kids all over northern California are headed back to school, making this time of year unique in regard to road safety concerns.
In this article, we've mentioned seven safety reminders for drivers and pedestrians.
Safety Tips for Drivers
- School zones are clearly marked and have a speed limit of 25 MPH when children are present. All drivers must adhere to this law. Extra caution should always be taken when children are present on the roads, whether in a school zone or not.
- Reduce distractions in your vehicle by making sure your cell phone is off or on silent before driving. Parents of teens who can drive themselves to school can take extra measures to ensure their child will not be using their cell phones while driving. For example, some parents make a solemn verbal agreement with their teen; it's agreed upon that their teen will leave their cell phone out of sight or out of reach whenever operating a vehicle.
- Remember to stop for the flashing red lights on a school bus. School buses are required to turn on a signal to alert those sharing the road with them that they are picking up or dropping off children. Cars are required to stop and wait when on the same side of the roadway. On the other hand, if it is a multiple-lane or divided highway and you are on the opposite side of the road, stopping is unnecessary.
- Take extra precautions when nearing crosswalks at intersections. In California, pedestrians at crosswalks have the right-away. However, at times, drivers are only looking for vehicles, not pedestrians, and can easily make a right turn while only looking to their left and not paying attention to their right. Many pedestrian accidents are caused due to this simple but negligent act.
Advice for Teens Walking To School
- As a reminder to the young ones: make sure you look both ways before crossing the street. Although many parents have taught their children from an early age to follow this safety precaution, each year, reports show that young ones and adults have overlooked this, resulting in their own injury or death.
- If available, always use a crosswalk when crossing the street. Roads are designed with crosswalks for a reason: for pedestrians' safety.
- Don't be a "distracted" walker. Texting, wearing headphones, or talking on a cell phone are all examples of possible distractions. Obstacles on the sidewalk may not be seen, or car horns may not be heard if you are unable to pay attention to your surroundings.
Of course, we can mention many more safety guidelines you can consider as a driver or parent. We hope this article has reminded you of some important safety practices to be mindful of while sharing the road with others.
We at John M. O'Brien & Associates are dedicated to helping those who have been injured in a car or pedestrian accident. If you or a loved one has been seriously injured in Elk Grove and Sacramento County due to another person's negligence, don't hesitate to contact our law office for a free consultation.